Thursday, December 27, 2012

i'm moving!

christmas has come and gone
and blogger says my space for pictures is gone as well
the free part of blogger is just for words
pictures will eventually cost you~
my intention of doing a blog was to share pictures & stories
not have advertisers & sell stuff
but now
 i can only share stories on this blog, no pictures
in all fairness to blogger, i can share pictures i've already posted
but i can not upload new pictures without paying
the hubs gifted me a new camera for christmas
and i'm certain i'll want to share them with you!
you can find me at
i would love for you to drop by for a visit!
i hope you had a merry little christmas!
the end....well sort of

1 comment:

Sherri B. said...

I also will be moving my blog after I am back in good working order.

Thanks for letting us know and I will go and add your new blog to my reader list! xo